Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Houston, Ike, Rentals and Aide

Good evening.

I've see more than my fair share of ads since the power is on and live in downtown Houston to realize that this has been tragic. People are still displaced and without power. (I'm poaching wireless from a neighbor streets away).

Where am I going with this? The Red-Cross has had 3 hurricanes in a month and are over $5mm underfunded. The Houston food bank needs 500,000 lbs. food a day and people ARE starving/unsheltered.

It's now a goal of mine to establish a vacation rental website that will offer those displaced to live. Continuing, a charitable contribution can be made to one of several charities (depending on the disaster, eg tsunami, hurricane any instance of mass destruction). Here those that have the means to stay elsewhere have the resource to find a home, those that have a home can contribute as well by a charitable contribution, assisting in food/shelters for those less fortunate, and above all, we will contribute a percentage (or dollar amount) of each home listing and any review of the stay to any determined charity.




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Unknown said...

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